Healthcare Analytics

How to Optimize Healthcare Data Management

Written by Jean-Luc Coquerel | Mar 15, 2016 4:30:00 PM

Healthcare organizations understand that optimizing data management requires a focus on both collecting and managing data, as well as analyzing it for actionable insights and business intelligence. Most find a substantial amount of resources are being spent collecting, validating, transforming, aggregating, and preparing data to produce reports, extracts, and dashboards.

Fortunately, there are tools to streamline the data management process to ensure it provides the information and analytics that a healthcare facility requires to succeed. Four options are:

  • Data Warehousing

Implementing a robust data warehouse is a valuable tool for optimizing healthcare data management. A data warehouse is a central data repository that aggregates and stores data from various applications, legacy systems, and sometimes external sources. It is generally the main source of information for reporting and is optimized for analytics. It provides a well-established tool for organizations to create the foundation for their data assets.

  • Business Intelligence

Business intelligence tools can be utilized to leverage a healthcare facility’s data and convert it into actionable information. Reports, dashboards and extracts can be created, as well as “self-service” analytics to provide tools for various teams to  formulate and answer their questions independently.

  • Healthcare Analytics

Healthcare analytics templates can be utilized to allow users to obtain additional information independently, without requiring the reporting team to develop custom reports. This is helpful for monitoring trends and tracking key performance indicators, where drilling down into more detailed data is useful to determine how outcomes could be improved.

  • ETL Management

ETL or “extract, transform and load” is a single programming tool that executes these three separate functions. Monitoring ETL execution errors, and fixing the root problem, is essential to ensuring data integrity and good data management. Implementing a tool that detects potential data integrity issues early is also recommended.

Learn More

At Syntrix, we help healthcare organizations across the country overcome the roadblocks that prevent them from establishing a successful data management program. Our consultants will help you engage all key parties, and promote the importance of data quality throughout your organization. Our solutions will help you maximize the value of your data.

To learn more, contact the Syntrix team today and schedule your complimentary consultation! If you're interested in learning more about how Epic reporting can help your healthcare facility, download our FREE eBook now: