Healthcare Analytics

How to Involve Users in Improving Healthcare Analytics

Written by Ron Stephenson | Feb 15, 2016 6:30:00 PM

Healthcare organizations are under increasing pressure to manage and analyze an unprecedented amount of clinical, operational and financial data.

In response to internal and external pressures, they are turning to healthcare analytics for answers.

Insightful analytics begins with the proper collection of source data. This occurs at the point of data entry or at the point of patient care.

Educating and engaging users in the overall process can lead to better data on the front-end, and positively impact analytics throughout the data continuum.   

4 Ways Your Users Can Help Improve Healthcare Analytics

Below, we highlight 4 keys to achieving this objective:

1. Include users in requirements

Direct user engagement is vital for healthcare analytics, and the insights they ultimately deliver, to ensure inclusion of the needs and workflows of the various teams. This allows report writers to better understand the business requirements and integrate them fully into the development process.

2. Present data in user-friendly formats

It is important to format data to present complex information as simply and clearly as possible. Healthcare analytics is not just about providing data, but doing so in a format that aids the user in efficiently understanding the information.

3. Provide user training and education

While teams may be excited about the potential of healthcare analytics, they may be less aware of what is possible. It is imperative to ensure that users are educated on the availability of data sets pertinent to their work practice and needs. This can be accomplished through formal training sessions, team inservices, or demonstrations of potential tools.

4. Encourage user participation in data governance

Managing healthcare analytics is a key component of a thoughtful data governance program, which ensures that organizational data is reliable, complete, accessible, and aligned with the stated business needs. Users are the cornerstone of data governance, having both informal roles in data quality, as well as formal responsibilities as data stewards.

Learn More

Ensuring that healthcare data remain comprehensive, accurate, and current is not a function relegated to developers alone. It requires executive sponsorship and engages data users across multiple business and clinical functions. Syntrix's consultants can help you engage key parties and promote the importance of data quality throughout your organization.

To learn more about improving your healthcare analytics, contact the Syntrix team today.